Monday, January 5, 2009

The time is right.

It has been two years since I first entertained the thought of sharing my thoughts on painting in a blog. It took me 30 years to give art and the creative process a large enough priority in my life that I could even entertain the thought. Today, it seems, it has all come together and it feels right. So here goes.......

I always thought I loved art, and painted in high school and college. Then, I took a 30 year break while working and raising a daughter. I did putter around with it some, until several years ago. Then I retired. And began to paint, really paint. I thought it would be a great hobby, but soon found out that there is no such thing as an art "hobby" for me. Now, it is all or nothing. I can't seem to get tired or bored with it! After putting some real miles on the brushes, I am just starting to feel I can begin to do what I want with the process, and the world of painting has opened up for me. Exciting and exhilarating and daunting. The time is right. I look forward to sharing my experiences and thoughts with you.
Janet Whitehead


  1. I'm honored to be your first commenter and follower, Janet! I did the same thing you did - 30 years with almost no artwork so I could save it for quieter days. This painting you have on the home page is AWESOME. Can't wait to see more of your work. Seriously. :) High five!

  2. Janet, your work is beautiful! I look forward to seeing much, much more from you. So glad you are now blogging so we can follow your work.

  3. Janet,
    I too, took a long sabbatical from art and have returned in the last two years. Your portrait of Amanda is stunning. Keep up the great work!!

  4. Janet, I so love your work! I have never had a portrait of myself painted and how lucky was I to have my first done by you.

    I feel I have learned a lot just studying your brushwork. I am so glad you started your blog, I can’t wait to see more of your work.

  5. Janet, Camille just gave me the heads up on your new blog and I have to say, about time. Your work has been a favorite and inspiration of mine since you first started contributing to DSFDF. Now I get to comment. Love your first post and look forward to seeing more from you. All the best.

  6. Janet,
    I would love to do the exchange. I was hoping you would like it enough to want to. I think the one you did is wonderful. ! I will drop you an e-mail. Thanks

  7. Yay!!! Another one to take the dive into blogging. I love your painting style. I love the folks at the top of your page AND especially your portrait of Amanda. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  8. Hello Janet, I love your artwork, and am inspired to write and say Hello... especially because we are both artists and we are both named Janet Whitehead! I have many a lost cousin in our family tree.. hmm, I wonder if we are related. Congratulations on your blog, and your fabulous work.
    Janet Whitehead
